Monday, October 31, 2011

Learning to be a Farmer

I'm learning to be a farmer and a part time gardener. There are a lot of things I want to learn about plants, farming and  agriculture. If you are a farmer you also have to know about the climate and the seasons. I guess even seasoned farmers have problems with that now because of the climate change. Our seasons have become erratic.

Farmers and gardeners must have green thumbs. When a person who doesn't have a green thumb  plants, they say  the plant doesn't grow well or dies. I think that's superstition. There's a scientific way of doing things or rather planting and If you follow it I guess your plants will be okay. Anyway, I think I have a green thumb because when I plant, they grow well.

Then there's also the  organic and inorganic way of farming. They say inorganic fertilizers is unhealthy and organic farming is the way to go.

But what I would like to do most is plant trees. A lot of trees. Because by planting trees we help in countering the effect of global warming, help prevent flooding and soil erosion. I hope this blog will be able to help promote and teach tree planting to other people as I myself continue to learn how to be a farmer and a gardener.

Tayo na! Magtanim na tayo!

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